
Bible Study, Worship and Fellowship Opportunities

We meet on Sunday Mornings from 8:00-8:50 am for intercessory prayer in our dedicated “Prayer Room” near the offices in the foyer.

We meet on Sunday Mornings for corporate Worship and Bible Study at 9:00 am (Nursery Only) and 10:30 am (Children’s Church / Nursery).  We are currently studying the Old Testament book of Numbers.

Children’s Church (Nursery thru 6th Grade) is provided during our 10:30 am Worship/Bible Study Service.  Nursery age only is provided during our 9:00 am Worship/Bible Study Service.  From nursery through the sixth grade. The kids are led in corporate worship and are taught the Bible at their own level, freeing up the adults to learn with as little distraction as possible.

AVC Youth currently meet on Sunday nights from 6-8 pm, for more information:

Instagram: @avchapel_youth_


We also have a Church App called “Church Center”, you can download it and find “Arcadia Valley Chapel”.  Once in the app, you can join “AVC Youth” under groups to receive any messages and announcements they send out to stay informed of what’s up and coming!

For more information about any of this – please contact us via email